

Then you have two options. One is to lie, as often as you can. The anti-choice movement loves to crow about a tie between abortion and depression, for instance.

Currently, there are active attempts to convince the public and women considering abortion that abortion frequently has negative psychiatric consequences. This assertion is not borne out by the literature: the vast majority of women tolerate abortion without psychiatric sequelae. The psychiatric outcome of abortion is best when patients are able to make autonomous, supported decisions.

This was underscored by a recent study which found, yet again, no link between depression and abortion.

The predicted probability of reporting that abortion was the right decision was over 99% at all time points over three years. Women with more planned pregnancies and who had more difficulty deciding to terminate the pregnancy had lower odds of reporting the abortion was the right decision (aOR=0.71 [0.60, 0.85] and 0.46 [0.36, 0.64], respectively). Both negative and positive emotions declined over time, with no differences between women having procedures near gestational age limits versus first-trimester abortions. Higher perceived community abortion stigma and lower social support were associated with more negative emotions (b=0.45 [0.31, 0.58] and b=-0.61 [-0.93, -0.29], respectively).

The other option is to attack the person to silence them and others.

According to a Feminist Majority Foundation report last year, personal targeting of abortion providers is rising. The 2014 National Clinic Violence Survey, which tallied the responses of 242 abortion providers from around the country, found that 51.9% of clinics had faced threats and targeted intimidation, up from 26.6% of clinics in 2010. […]

Kristina knows that she has been followed home at least once. “I left to pick up the doctor, and I got to the corner of my house, and there’s a big picture of the doctor with a bulls eye on him, and every corner that I turned was another picture,” Kristina said. “That was probably one of the creepiest days. The pictures were all up the main street I travel on, all the way back to my house.”

The signs on Kristina’s route—large “Wanted” signs with the doctor’s name and picture—were similar to those that had appeared before the murders of several other doctors who performed abortions around the country. It was clear to Kristina that they were targeted at her, too. “It was for me to be scared,” she said. “It was for me.”

TRAP laws are just the polite version of this, not explicity banning abortion but harassing the people who provide them.

If you find yourself taking either tactic, you can be pretty confident you have no arguments in your corner. We should just ignore you, but if we’re interested in creating a just society we don’t have any choice.